Understanding SWR

SWR stands for “Standing Wave Ratio.” It is a measurement used in the context of radio frequency (RF) engineering, particularly in the field of antennas and transmission lines. SWR is one of the critical parameters in assessing the efficiency of power transfer between a transmitter and an antenna. SWR is one of the most commonly used measurements when checking to see if an antenna will perform well for a given frequency. Understanding SWR and how it relates to antenna performance will help you be a better Ham Radio Operator.

An SWR of 1:1 represents a perfect match between the antenna and the transmission line. A reading of 1:1 means that all the power from the transmitter is being radiated by the antenna.

A high SWR (e.g., 2:1, 3:1, or higher) indicates a mismatch between the antenna and the transmission line. This mismatch can lead to several issues:

  • Reflection of power back to the transmitter, potentially causing damage to the transmitter and reducing efficiency.
  • Poor antenna performance, such as reduced transmit/receive range, distorted radiation patterns, and increased loss in the transmission line.

Here are some details to help explain SWR:

Wave Reflection

When RF energy is transmitted through an antenna, some of the energy is absorbed by the antenna and radiated. While the rest of the energy is reflected back towards the transmitter. This reflection occurs due to impedance mismatches between the transmitter, transmission line, and the antenna. This reflection is something we want to minimize.

Impedance Mismatch

To achieve maximum transmit power, the impedance of the transmission line and the impedance of the antenna must match the output impedance of the transmitter. If there is a mismatch, some of the energy is reflected back, and this can cause problems such as signal loss and overheating of equipment.

Standing Waves

When the reflected energy encounters the outgoing RF energy, they interfere with each other, creating a pattern of constructive and destructive interference. This pattern creates “standing waves” along the transmission line.

SWR Calculation

The SWR is a measure of how well the impedance of the transmission line and antenna match the impedance of the transmitter. It is calculated as the ratio of the maximum amplitude of voltage (or current) along the transmission line to the minimum amplitude. Mathematically, SWR is expressed as: SWR = (Vmax / Vmin) or (Imax / Imin)Where:

Vmax (Imax) is the maximum voltage (current) amplitude along the transmission line.

Vmin (Imin) is the minimum voltage (current) amplitude along the transmission line.


A SWR of 1:1 indicates a perfect match, meaning all the power is being transferred from the transmitter to the antenna without any reflection. A higher SWR value (e.g., 1.5:1, 2:1, 3:1, etc.) indicates a greater degree of impedance mismatch, which results in more reflected power and less efficient power transfer. A high SWR can lead to decreased signal strength, reduced transmission range, and potential damage to equipment due to excessive reflected power.


To improve SWR, adjustments can be made to the antenna length, antenna feed point, or by using matching devices like baluns or antenna tuners to ensure a better impedance match between the transmitter, transmission line, and antenna.


Reactance is a component of impedance, which is the complex resistance of an antenna and its associated feedline. Reactance measures the phase shift between the voltage and current in the antenna system and can be capacitive or inductive.

  • Capacitive reactance occurs when the antenna system has a surplus of capacitance (often caused by nearby conductive objects or structures). This can result in an inductive reactance, and it leads to a phase lag between voltage and current.
  • Inductive reactance occurs when the antenna system has inductance (e.g., coiled wires or loops). This can result in a capacitive reactance, causing a phase lead between voltage and current.

The presence of reactance affects the impedance matching of the antenna system, leading to a mismatch with the transmission line, which, in turn, can increase the SWR.

How SWR and Reactance Relate to Antenna Performance:

A well-matched antenna with an SWR close to 1:1 ensures that most of the power from the transmitter is radiated by the antenna, maximizing its performance.

High SWR due to a mismatch can result in poor antenna performance, reflected power, and reduced signal efficiency. This can cause overheating of the transmitter and decreased communication range. Reactance can affect the impedance matching of the antenna, which contributes to the SWR. If a significant capacitive or inductive reactance is present, it can lead to a higher SWR, signaling the need for adjustments to the antenna system. Antenna tuners or matching networks are often used to minimize reactance and achieve a good SWR. These devices help in impedance matching, reducing SWR, and improving overall antenna performance.


SWR is a measurement used in RF systems to assess the efficiency of power transfer and the impedance match between a transmitter and an antenna. A lower SWR indicates a better match and more efficient power transfer, while a higher SWR indicates an impedance mismatch and potential signal problems. In this Ham’s opinion it is very important to have a resonate antenna at the frequency you are operating on.